Some stories are more powerful than others. They have the ability to inspire, to motivate, to change lives…
Dan has one such story to tell.
All you have to do is listen.
It is a story of determination. A story of hope.
A story that lets you know that you have the potential to do anything you want and be the person you aspire to be.
Playwright / Screenwriter
Current work includes:
- Buna: Full-length animated feature film screenplay for Molos Productions
- Legends of Lime Avenue: Devised community play for Market Place / Babylon Arts
- Gypsy Dawn Rising: Digital graphic novel (soon to be released on Patreon)
Recent events/venues:
- Kino-Teatr, St. Leonard’s, Sussex
- Storytelling Festival, Stowmarket, Suffolk
- Whitemoor Prison, March, Cambridgeshire
Presentation Skills / Adult Teacher Outreach & Students
Current projects:
- University of Cambridge
- Queen Katherine Academy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
- Member of the Association for Coaching
- Confidence Coach at the Community Wellbeing Hub, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire

“Rise above yourself and grasp the world”
Now with modern technology and a shift in the working environment, remote inspirational keynote speaking events are becoming the new normal.
Dan will share his strategies and ‘out of the box’ thinking to inspire you to reach your highest potential and achieve your goals
whether that be in business, the arts or life.
Dan is passionate about inspiring people.
Teaching himself to read and becoming an award-winning writer opened the doors to a whole new world.
Now he wants to help people free themselves and say: I CAN DO MORE!
Peak Performance
“The delegates were captivated and awed by Dan’s enormous achievements while at the same time finding his practical step by step approach to achieving our full potential invaluable.”
“BRILLIANT and very inspiring!! A great talk – beautifully structured without a word wasted. The entire audience was engaged from Dan’s first word to the last.”
“I loved Dan’s talk, what struck me most was his authenticity. His story is extremely compelling. He was calm, cool and composed and phrased sentences with great impact. His mission is very honourable as he is all about being at the service of others and inspiring them. Hats off to you Dan!”
“A thought-provoking, incredibly inspiring talk from Dan. His relaxed demeanour put the audience at ease immediately and the content kept them engaged and wondering which direction it would lead until the end. They were not disappointed!”
“Dan, many thanks for all your help with training our senior managers here at Shell. Your professionalism and extremely high standards really took them to a totally new level of presentation delivery.”
“Adds a new dimension to public speaking. Fantastic… truly inspirational… I was in tears at the end.”

2018 – Bus Stop wins award at Ink Drama Festival
2011 – Atching Tan – shortlisted for the BBC’s Imison and Audio Drama awards
2004 – Film – A Gypsy’s Wish short-listed for Institute of Public Relations award
2003 – Winner of a Community Champions award for excellence
2000 – The Boy’s Grave screenplay won invite to Scottish Screen’s Opening Shots
1997 – First theatre play won 4 Awards at the Brantham Play Festival
1990 – Winner of silver and bronze medals for acting from the Lamda Arts Academy
Before you start your journey remember:
Passion is essential, but discipline is the key.
Willpower is a muscle – use it often and build it strong.
Optimism is good, but realism is better.
Grit is vital – determination and tenacity in the face of adversity will get you through.
As your journey proceeds remember:
Let challenge and achievement be your focus, but never stop learning, never stop improving.
Live your own life and dream your own dream. And when people tell you you’re wrong do it anyway.
Amateurs wait for inspiration; professionals go to work.
Work smart from the source – we all have our own source and it’s right at our fingertips.
When starting your journey remember:
Knowing what you want is important but knowing why is absolutely crucial.
Create the vision: get specific, know exactly what you want and when you want it.
Make a simple plan then resolve to see it through till the end no matter what.
Focus on the journey, the little steps that will eventually lead you to your final goal.

Want to get in touch with Dan? Click here